16 research outputs found


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    Background/Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the managerial effectiveness levels of the academicians who work in the sports science faculty and School of Physical Education and Sports.Methods: In the study, a descriptive scanning method aimed at revealing the current situation has been used. For the purposes of this study, the academicians population of Turkey in the research universities working in sports science and sports colleges with the faculty of physical education, from which a sample is chosen, which is determined by simple random sampling method, which consists of volunteer academicians (n=178) working at the faculties of sport sciences and school of physical education and sports of universities such as Erciyes, Selçuk, Ömer Halisdemir, Gaziantep, Dumlupınar, Uşak, Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey, Fırat, Süleyman Demirel, Sakarya, Balıkesir, Gelişim, Esenyurt, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman ve Bingöl universities. A managerial efficacy scale developed by Murry (1993) and implemented in the Turkish version by İra and Şahin (2010) was used to measure managerial effectiveness. The obtained data was recorded with the package program "IBM SPSS 22". Kruskal Wallis analysis was applied as statistical process.Results: The level of managerial effectiveness of academicians is moderate and advanced, the level of managerial effectiveness is related to age, department, title and professional experience, and also there is a relation between the progress of age, title and professional experience of academicians and the development of managerial effectiveness. It can be assumed that this situation originated from the situations such as the maturity of academicians' knowledge and experience, efforts to improve their skills, the adoption of the management concept of modern life, self-evaluation and autonomy as well as being able to adapt to scientific, cultural and social changes. The development of managerial effectiveness perceptions and managerial skills of young academics can be supported by managerial development seminars. Determining the managerial perceptions of the faculty members who work in different faculties and higher schools may contribute to the updating of the managerial perspective.  Article visualizations

    Examination of correlation among reaction time, strength, and flexibility of sedentary and athletes in different branchesFarklı branşlarda yer alan sporcular ve sedanterlerde bazı biomotor özellikler ve reaksiyon zamanı arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study was to contribute to the selection of talent by determining which parameters are more important for which branch between sports branches and how sports activities of different kinds and sedentary life affect some of the motoric characteristics found in the physiological structure of the human being. Adult athletes who have been sporting for at least three years and still actively engaged in sports and adult sedentary groups have participated in the study. Totally 212 participants that 157 were male and 55 were female, 119 of them were athletes and 93 were sedentary. All subjects voluntarily participating in the tests were subjected to a simple reaction time test (right hand and left hand), right and left claw, back and leg strength tests and flexibility (sit and reach) tests, respectively. Independent t-test was used for binary comparisons of data obtained and One-Way ANOVA was used to multiple comparisons. It was found that there was a statistically difference between both male-female athletes and sedentary male and females’ mean values of the right hand reaction time and values of claw-back and leg strength (p<0,05); and it was determined that there was no statistically difference between male and females’ means of left-hand reaction time and flexibility values (p>0,05). While there was a significant difference between sedentary and athletes’ means of reaction time, claw-back-leg strength and flexibility values (p<0,05), reaction time, strength measurements, and flexibility values have been found better in athletes as well as all other values have been found significant. It has been determined that there is a significant difference among athletes from different branches in all values in the average of reaction time, claw-back-leg strength and flexibility values (p <0.05). In conclusion, it is considered that sports activities in different branches are an important factor in development of motoric features of the human body, for this reason; it is important to take the signified differences into consideration when choosing talent for the branches in sport.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı;  farklı türde yapılan sportif aktiviteler ve sedanter yaşamın insanın fizyolojik yapısında bulunan bazı motorik özellikleri nasıl etkilediğini ve spor branşları arasında hangi branş için hangi parametrelerin daha önemli olduğunu ortaya koymak suretiyle, sporda yetenek seçimine katkı bir sağlayabilmektir. Çalışmaya, en az üç yıl süreyle spor yapmış ve halen aktif olarak spor yapan yetişkin sporcular ve yetişkin sedanter bireyler katıldı. Toplam 212 kişiden 157’si erkek, 55’i bayan olmak üzere katılımcıların 119’u sporcu, 93’ü ise sedanterdi. Testlere gönüllü olarak katılan tüm deneklere, sırası ile basit reaksiyon zaman testi (sağ el ve sol el olmak üzere), sağ ve sol el kavrama, sırt ve bacak kuvveti testleri ile esneklik (otur-uzan) testi uygulandı. Elde edilen verilerin ikili karşılaştırmaları için Bağımsız örneklem t-testi ve çoklu karşılaştırmaları için ise One-Way ANOVA test yöntemi kullanıldı. Katılımcılardan gerek sporcu erkek ve bayanların gerekse sedanter erkek ve bayanların sağ el reaksiyon zamanı, el kavrama, sırt-bacak kuvveti değerleri ortalamaları arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu (p<0,05), sporcu ve sedanter, erkek ve bayanların sol el reaksiyon zamanı ve esneklik değerleri ortalamaları arasında ise anlamlı farklılıkların olmadığı tespit edildi (p>0,05). Sporcu ve sedanter bireylerde reaksiyon zamanı, el kavrama, sırt-bacak kuvveti ve esneklik değerleri ortalamaları arasında anlamlı farklılıklar görülürken (p<0.05), tüm değerler anlamlı bulunmakla birlikte reaksiyon zamanı ve kuvvet ölçümleri ile esneklik değerleri sporcularda daha iyi bulundu. Çeşitli branşlardaki sporcuların reaksiyon zamanı, el kavrama-sırt-bacak kuvveti ve esneklik değerleri ortalamalarında ise tüm değerlerde branşlar arası anlamlı farklılıkların olduğu tespit edildi (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak farklı türde yapılan sportif aktivitelerin insan vücudundaki motorik özelliklerin geliştirilmesinde önemli bir etken olduğu ve bu nedenle sporda yetenek seçimi yapılırken belirtilen farklılıklara dikkat edilmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir


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    Amaç: Adneksiyal kitle nedeni ile laparoskopik girişim uygulanan hastaların sosyodemografikve klinik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesiGereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2002-Ocak 2007 arasında adneksiyal kitle nedeni ile laparoskopikişlem uygulanan hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Demografikve klinik bilgiler hasta kayıtlarından elde edildi.Bulgular: Çalışmaya 14 ile 76 yaş arasında 186 hasta alındı. Hastalarda ortalamayaş 34,0 ± 11,2 idi. Hastaların %88,2'si premenapozal dönemdeydi. Ortalama hastanedeyatış süresi 3,27 ± 2,09 gün olarak saptandı. Olguların %64,6'sına laparoskopikkistektomi, %33,7'sine laparoskopik ooferektomi, %1,7'sine laparoskopik histerektomi+ salpingo-ooferektomi prosedürü uygulandı. Major komplikasyon oranı %2,7 (n=5)olarak bulundu. Laparotomiye geçiş oranı %7,0 (n=13) olarak bulundu. Hastaların %49,4'ünde geçirilmiş ameliyat mevcut olup en sık jineko-obstetrik ameliyat öyküsü alındı(%27,3). Başvuru anında yapılan ultrasonografik görüntülemede olguların % 27,0'sindekitlenin çapı 10 cm olarak bulundu.Alınan materyallerin patolojik incelemesinde %98,4 benign patoloji, %1,6 malign patolojisaptandı.Sonuç: Patolojisi bilinmeyen adneksiyal kitlelerde laparoskopik yaklaşım benignlezyonların belirlenmesi ve çıkarılması, malign lezyonların ise tespitinde altın standartolarak düşünülmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz.Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and safety oflaparoscopic intervention for the diagnosis and treatment of adnexial masses.Material and method: A total of 186 patients with adnexial mass were treated withlaparoscopy from January 2002 to January 2007. All clinical and demographic data ofthe patients were reviewed retrospectively.Results: 186 women underwent laparoscopic evaluation for the adnexial mass. Theultrasonographic measurements of masses were 10 cm in 5,3% of the cases. Themedian age of patients was 34 years (range, 14-76 years), 88.2% of patients were inpremenopausal women and 27.3% of all patients had a previous gynecologic/obstetricoperative intervention. Thehistopathologic results werereported as benign in 98.4%of cases and primary ovarian cancerin 1.6% of the women. Among thesecases 64.6%of the women underwent laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, 33.7% underwent laparoscopicoopherectomy and 1.7% underwent laparoscopic hysterectomy-salphingo -oopherectomy. Overall 7.0% (13/186) of all laparoscopic interventions required conversionto laparotomy. Complications occured in 2.7% (5/186) of the patients. Postoperativehospitalization period of the patients were approximately 3.27 ±2.09 days.Conclusion: We conclude that laparoscopy may be regarded as a gold standard forthe diagnosis and treatment of adnexial masses with a low risk for malignancy

    Enfeksiyon hastalıklarının ayırıcı tanısında NBT testi

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.ÖZ ET Bakt eriye 1 enfeksiyonların diğer ateşli hastalıklar dan ayırımı bazen oldukça zordur ve uygulamada önemli sorun lara neden olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle enfeksiyon hastalık larının ayırımı için bir çok laboratuar yöntemi geliştiril miştir. Çalışmamızda lökosit fonksiyon testlerinden biri o- lan NBT testinin enfeksiyon hastalıklarının ayırıcı tanısın- daki yararlılığı araştırılmıştır. Çalışmamızda yaşları |/12 yaş ile 15 yaş arasında de ğişen 10 sağlıklı çocuk ile 20 bakteriye! ve 20 viral enfek- sionu bulunan hasta olmak üzere toplam 50 olguya NBT testi uygulanmıştır. Bakt eriel enfeksiyonla hastalarda, viral en- feksiyohlu hastalara ve kontrol gruba oranla daha yüksek ÎJBT (+) hücre yüzdesi saptanmış ve aralarındaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Viral enfeksiyon- lu grup ile kontrol grubunun ÎTBT (+) hücre yüzdelerinde is tatistiksel olarak farklılık anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Daha önce bir çok araştırıcı tarafından güvenilirli ği ve yararları kanıtlanmış olan IBT testi, elde ettiğimiz bu sonuçlarla bizim tarafımızdan da uygulaması basitlerken sonuç veren ve enfeksiyon hastalıklarının ayırıcı tanısında başvurulabilecek güvenilir bir laboratuar yöntemi olarak değerlendirilmiştir. -33

    Evaluation of the Psychological and Hormonal Parameters in Paragliding

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    Background. Paragliding is an extreme sport performed by gliding from a mountain at high altitude into the air. The authors aimed to determine the differences between the levels of adrenaline, cortisol, and insulin before and after the flight of tandem pilots and passengers flying for the first time, and to determine the relationship between these hormones and death anxiety and risk-taking levels. Materials and methods. The study included 12 experienced male pilots and 15 male passengers flying for the first time. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured after the participants had filled in Personal Information Form, DOSPERT Risk-Taking Scale and Death Anxiety Scale before the flight. Blood samples were taken before and after the flight to determine adrenaline, cortisol, and insulin levels. Results. Adrenaline and cortisol levels, as well as heart rate, increased significantly after the flight, while insulin levels decreased significantly in the passenger group (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the pilot group. Conclusions. The experience factor plays an important role in the positive effect of paragliding flight on cortisol, adrenaline, insulin, and various physiological parameters, as well as mediates the adaptation of the organism to unusual situations. The human organism adapts physiologically and hormonally to the flying action. One of the striking results of the study was that cortisol levels were at the upper limit of normal values in the passenger group after the flight

    Tc-99m MDP bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of the joint damage in asymptomatic alpine ski racers

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    Aim: To evaluate the role of 99m-technetium methylene diphosphonate (Tc-99m MDP) bone scintigraphy on the detection of joint damage in asymptomatic alpine ski racers. Materials and methods: This study included 20 male asymptomatic alpine ski racers (age range: 1821 years). None of the skiers had a history of ski crashes. Bone scan findings of the racers were examined with Tc-99m MDP bone scintigraphy during the active racing season and the inactive training season. Planar anterior and posterior images of hip, knee, and ankle joints were obtained 4 h after intravenous injection of 20 mCi Tc-99m MDP. All images were interpreted visually by 2 experienced nuclear medicine physicians. Free regions of interest were drawn on hip, knee, and ankle joints, as well as background regions. Joint-to-background ratios were calculated for each joint, and the uptake ratios of both right and left joints during active ski season were compared to those during the inactive training period. Results: Uptake ratios of the right and left hip, knee, and ankle joints were significantly higher during the active racing period than those calculated during the inactive period (P > 0.005). Conclusion: Bone scintigraphy may have an important role in detecting joint injuries of hip, knee, and ankle joints in asymptomatic alpine ski racers and can be used successfully when MRI is unavailable

    Salivary macrophage activation-related chemokines and mitogen-activated kinase kinase (MAPKK)-degrading proteolytic activity in type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate salivary concentrations of macrophage activation-related chemokines and mitogen-activated kinase kinase (MAPKK)-degrading proteolytic activity in children and adolescents with and without type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Methods: A total of 122 children and adolescents (65 T1DM patients, 50.8% female, mean age:10.9 years; 57 systemically healthy controls, 36.8% female, mean age: 9.5 years) were included in the study. Salivary concentrations of interferon gamma inducible protein-10 (IP-10), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, MCP-2, MCP-3, MCP-4, macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), monokine induced by interferon gamma (MIG), and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α) were quantified using a bead-based technique. MAPKK-degrading proteolytic activity was detected using fluorescent peptide substrates. Results: The T1DM group had higher plaque index (PI%, p = 0.032) and bleeding on probing (BOP%, p = 0.045) scores, and lower decayed, missing, filled teeth (dmft/DMFT, p = 0.002) index scores compared to the healthy controls. Compared to the controls, salivary MCP-1 (p = 0.007), MCP-3 (p < 0.001), MIG (p = 0.007), and MIP-1α (p = 0.033) concentrations were elevated whereas MCP-4 concentrations decreased (p < 0.001) in the T1DM group. After adjusting for age, PI%, BOP%, and dmft/DMFT scores, significant differences in salivary concentrations of MIG (p = 0.033) and MIP-1α (p = 0.017) were observed between the groups. Moreover, protease activities directed to the cleavage sites of MEK23-18 (p = 0.001), MKK6b7-22 (p = 0.007), MKK451-66 (p = 0.005), MKK7b37-52 (p = 0.034), and MKK7b69-84 (p = 0.009) were elevated in the T1DM group. Conclusion: T1DM disrupts the salivary macrophage activation-related chemokine profile and dysregulates proteolytic MAPKK cleavage. These findings can be an outcome of the impaired systemic immune response in T1DM

    Salivary macrophage activation-related chemokines and mitogen-activated kinase kinase (MAPKK)-degrading proteolytic activity in type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate salivary concentrations of macrophage activation-related chemokines and mitogen-activated kinase kinase (MAPKK)-degrading proteolytic activity in children and adolescents with and without type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Methods: A total of 122 children and adolescents (65 T1DM patients, 50.8% female, mean age:10.9 years; 57 systemically healthy controls, 36.8% female, mean age: 9.5 years) were included in the study. Salivary concentrations of interferon gamma inducible protein-10 (IP-10), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, MCP-2, MCP-3, MCP-4, macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), monokine induced by interferon gamma (MIG), and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α) were quantified using a bead-based technique. MAPKK-degrading proteolytic activity was detected using fluorescent peptide substrates. Results: The T1DM group had higher plaque index (PI%, p = 0.032) and bleeding on probing (BOP%, p = 0.045) scores, and lower decayed, missing, filled teeth (dmft/DMFT, p = 0.002) index scores compared to the healthy controls. Compared to the controls, salivary MCP-1 (p = 0.007), MCP-3 (p < 0.001), MIG (p = 0.007), and MIP-1α (p = 0.033) concentrations were elevated whereas MCP-4 concentrations decreased (p < 0.001) in the T1DM group. After adjusting for age, PI%, BOP%, and dmft/DMFT scores, significant differences in salivary concentrations of MIG (p = 0.033) and MIP-1α (p = 0.017) were observed between the groups. Moreover, protease activities directed to the cleavage sites of MEK23-18 (p = 0.001), MKK6b7-22 (p = 0.007), MKK451-66 (p = 0.005), MKK7b37-52 (p = 0.034), and MKK7b69-84 (p = 0.009) were elevated in the T1DM group. Conclusion: T1DM disrupts the salivary macrophage activation-related chemokine profile and dysregulates proteolytic MAPKK cleavage. These findings can be an outcome of the impaired systemic immune response in T1DM

    The Optimization of a Rapid Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Protocol for the Typing of Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp.

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    Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the most common genotyping method used for the typing of a number of bacterial species. Generally, investigators use their own custom-developed protocol, but a standardized PFGE protocol would allow the comparison of typing results between laboratories and the tracing of strains around the country. In the present study, we optimized a PFGE protocol for subtyping of Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp., which are commonly isolated from nosocomial infections in many hospitals. Reproducibility of our PFGE procedure was studied three times at 2- to 3-week intervals. Epidemiological concordance of the optimized PFGE procedure was tested on seven isolates of A. baumannii from a previous outbreak and seven A. baumannii isolates randomly selected among the clinical isolates. The optimized PFGE procedure was evaluated on a total of 174 clinical isolates including 62 A. baumannii, 50 E. coli and 62 Klebsiella spp. The inter-laboratory reproducibility of the optimized protocol was tested at four laboratories. The optimized procedure is completed in 28 h after culturing. It is likely to be cost-effective, due to the reduction in the time, reagent volume and enzyme concentration needed. The procedure showed high concordance with epidemiological data. There were no non-typeable isolates among the tested bacteria. It is reproducible and versatile. This protocol can be used to identify outbreaks and monitor the spreading rate of nosocomial infections caused by the tested bacterial isolates. Furthermore, due to its high intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility, the protocol has the potential to be useful for comparing PFGE fingerprinting profiles of the isolates from different settings